RESALE APPOINTMENTS open every other Sunday at 11AM. Next booking dates: Mar 16 & 30 | STORE HOURS: Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM, Sun 11AM-5PM

Tub Charities

As a local business, Ashby is committed to supporting and giving back to the community that supports us. When you shop from our Buy-by-the-Pound Bathtub, we donate 100% of the sale to a different, local nonprofit each month. 

LOCAL NONPROFITS: Email and tell us how our contribution can help you. ♥

We encourage you to learn more about these nonprofits
we've supported over the years:

1708 Gallery A nonprofit space for new art
ASK  Childhood Cancer Foundation
Art180 Artists, writers, musicians, poets, dancers, and everyday people working to create change through art
Camp Kesem Camp for children impacted by childhood cancer
Capital Diaper Bank Putting children and families first since 1994
Change the World RVA Organization for homeless youth
Clarity  Leadership program
Comfort Zone Camp for grieving children 
Communities in Schools Helps students living poverty
Connor's Heroes Helps families cope with childhood cancer
The Doorways Support for families while a loved one is hospitalized 
Fairfield Boys and Girls Club Serving and empowering youth
Girls Rock! RVA Empowering girls through music
Health Brigade Health services for those in need
HomeAgain Shelter and tools for homelessness 
Jackson Ward Youth Peace Team Tool for youth to advocate and empower themselves and their families 
Make Space Art and mentorship program via VIsArt Center
MilkRiverArts  Working studio designed to support a neurodiverse community of artists
OAR Helps people who were incarcerated start over
Porchlight Sanctuary Home for previously farmed animals and education center
Positive Vibe Cafe  Employment training for people with disabilities
Richmond Justice Initiative Fights human trafficking 
Richmond Wildlife Center Protects wildlife
ScrapRVA  Creative reuse center
StayRVA  Supports Richmond Public Schools
Urban Baby Beginnings Empowering birthing and postpartum families
VASWCD Association of soil and water conservation
VA Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance Resources for victims of sexual and domestic abuse
YouthLife Afterschool and mentor program